Master of Business Administration (MBA)

Experienced individuals from diverse backgrounds pursue an MBA. Entrepreneurs & business professionals looking to achieve higher roles & responsibilities within the organization enrich and sharpen their business knowledge, leadership, management & networking skills through the NEC MBA Program.


Degree Awarded

A Dutch degree of Master of Business Administration (90 ECTS) awarded by Wittenborg University of Applied Sciences in the Netherlands

Program Duration

3 Semesters (18 Months)


  • 2 December 2024

Application Deadline – 17th of October

  • 10 February 2025

Application Deadline – 5th of December 2024

  • 31 March 2025

Application Deadline – 13th of February

  • 19 May 2025

Application Deadline – 3rd of April

  • 01 September 2025

Application Deadline – 17th of July

  • 20 October 2025

Application Deadline – 28th of August



Work Experience

3 years professional experience, following the completion of a bachelor degree


The Master of Business Administration (MBA), has become the academic career boost for both entrepreneurs and corporate workers. Globalization demands MBA graduates with a truly international business education.

With our MBA you will gain the necessary skills and tools to be able to take over challenging positions with managerial responsibility. For students without previous education in business, the MBA is the perfect program to qualify yourself for managerial positions.

Our MBA connects theory and practice and is taught by instructors with significant experience in their profession. Small groups allow for a very interactive education. As our MBA students need to first have job experience to be able to enroll, the individual experiences and backgrounds of each and every student make classes even more enjoyable. Our faculty members use activating elements such as case studies, simulations, projects, and presentations to give every student an opportunity to easily connect the gained knowledge with their personal experiences.

Pursuing my MBA at NEC was a very enriching experience. It provided me with a profound skillset and understanding of the business world, which increased the job offers I received before my graduation. I also made valuable friendships during my time on campus!

Laura Driuzzi (MBA ’19, Argentina)


International Management

The Master of Business Administration (MBA) in International Management is taught by an international team of lecturers and researchers from academia and industry.

The MBA in International Management degree program is aimed at students with business and non-business administration Bachelor degree backgrounds. Candidates will have had at least 3 years of experience working in companies and organizations in a role that manages people, processes or both.

“The MBA degree programme is aimed at providing graduates with the skills and competencies to fulfil management positions in the field of business administration, both in the public and private sector. These positions can include management or policy-making positions in large organisations, as well as positions of management  in small to medium sized companies (SMEs). An aim is that students are able to critically analyse and evaluate various developments within an organisation so that they can form, create and instigate policies, visions and aims and solutions within that organisation. They should be in a position to analyse the strategic processes and vision of a company or organisation and, using this analysis, apply and implement tools to innovate, optimize and (re-)structure these processes using an integral approach. From an international perspective the students should learn to analyse the environment they find themselves in and adapt their behavior and role according to the macro and micro environments they find themselves in.”

The MBA is comprised of 3 phases which are made concrete in 3 semesters.

In Semester 1,  students follow 6 core MBA modules. These modules incorporate a number of classic functional business administration areas, which, in addition to teaching classical delegation of knowledge, will be grasped by reflective learning, i.e. learning in which students reflect on their prior work experience in light of the materials provided in the various modules.

Semester 1 Modules:

  • Management Accounting & Finance
  • Marketing Management
  • Research Methods Introduction
  • Human Resource Management
  • Operations Management
  • International Management
  • Information Management

Reflective learning helps to develop critical thinking, self-awareness and analytical skills. It involves an individual in a reflective process.

Semester 2 sees a series of modules that allows students to study further in-depth in areas of globalisation and strategic management, and also to choose specialised electives in which to deepen their knowledge.

In Semester 2, the main modules International Corporate Sustainability and Globalisation, Society & Culture provide more depth and breadth to the programme, looking at global issues from a socio-cultural perspective as well as a business administration. These modules represent  an interdisciplinary approach to the learning process, i.e. a number of issues will be studied from various theoretical perspectives developed in different academic disciplines. The main module Business Statistics looks at the application of statistical methods and data within a company or organisation. It will also prepare students for their research in the Final Project insofar as statistical analysis is a part of it. Similarly, but in a different manner, this module invites the student to combine information from different disciplines and sources so as to reach a full understanding of business-economic and social phenomena.

Semester 2 Modules

  • Research Methods (Final Project)
  • Globalisation, Society & Culture
  • International Corporate Sustainability
  • Business Statistics
  • Strategic Management
  • International Consultancy
  • Project Module (3 Project Weeks)

Throughout Semester 1 and 2 students work on a Personal Development Plan (PDP) portfolio that culminates in three interlinked project weeks in Semester 2 in which students work in teams to fulfil a consultancy project for a regional organisation. There may be ond or more projects, depending the nature of what is available, and during the PDP and Project Module students are guided by their tutor.

Semester 3 is completely allocated to the Final Project, in which students complete a research project, preferably instigated by a company or non-business organisation . The Final Project (at the very least) will combine theory, research and practical application.

Within the MBA programme, the Semester 1 modules are basically about classic, ‘functional’ management subjects, however in contrast to the other MBA variants, modules are specifically geared to an international environment. 

During this semester, a cross-functional orientation is stimulated through cases and discussions about how a module’s subject-matter can contribute to the overall performance of the company and where cooperation between the various functional areas can be supportive to this. In a subject like Supply Chain Management (which in the present MBA programme is part of Operational Management), functional integration is an issue which has to be addressed before thinking of the ‘extended company’ (integrating with other links in the chain).

To give another example, the Balanced Scorecard (being part of Management Accounting) can be highly conducive to seeing the links between a company’s functional areas and activities. And, because of that, can elicit an interdisciplinary outlook. Also, a critical perspective is necessary, i.e. it is important to discuss within the context of the various functional areas (covered by the modules as programmed) the issues which are referred to by concepts such as ‘silos’, compartmentalization, poor organizational DNA, organizational myopia and the ‘not invented here’ syndrome. Such discussions promote a vision that exposes departmental thinking and embraces interdisciplinary ideas.

The Semester 2 modules by their very nature open up various interdisciplinary perspectives. In particular the modules of International Corporate SustainabilityStrategic Management and Business Statistics are geared at connecting concepts and data of different kinds enabling an interdisciplinary understanding of corporate issues. Other subjects, such as ‘GlobalisationSociety and Culture’ present views of corporate and entrepreneurial activity which cut across the narrow boundaries of the traditional disciplinary and professional divides.

The 3 Project Weeks in Semester 2 are specially designed to promote interdisciplinary thinking as the consulting assignments given to students by the organizations involved require a broad problem-solving, analytical approach, ushering  in experience and knowledge from a range of business administration areas, and using a combined approach to offer plausible solutions and strategies. From a student’s perspective, a Personal Development Plan has been set already in Semester 1, during the tutoring sessions, and the optimal aim would be for the three project weeks to be interlinked by creating interdisciplinary themes that run through a main project or interlink smaller projects.

MBA Enhancing Your Career!

MBA graduates are often fast-tracked into senior management positions and this MBA program has been designed for those who wish to pursue senior management positions or as preparation for further study in business, such as at the PhD level.

The MBA will further the careers of

  • Graduates who are working in an organisation, managing people or processes, and are looking to improve their career opportunities within their current employment position.
  • Graduates who have been working in an organisation, managing people or processes, and are looking for a full time MBA program that will increase their employability chances in an international market; 
  • Graduates who have completed a Bachelor degree and have worked in an organisation with responsibility managing people or processes, who are looking to improve their career opportunities, either at their current employer or in the search for a new opportunity;
  • Graduates with a proven number of years managing people or processes within an organisation. These students are looking for an English-taught, internationally orientated MBA program that can allow them to improve their career prospects in the job market either at home or in the Netherlands, either at their current employer or at a new organisation, and possibly to continue their studies at a higher level.


If you are looking to advance your career in financial management, or pursue a career in the finance sector or department of a company, then the MBA in Finance will enable you to make the leap into management roles from an existing position, or prepare you to enter a new role at a management level.

An international team of lecturers and business leaders has designed this MBA for those ready to make the climb into management roles, either from an existing job or graduates with some work experience who are aspiring to become managers. Together with the traditional MBA building blocks, this MBA in Finance offers additional modules with a particular focus on international finance, investment and corporate finance.

Throughout the NEC MBA, we take a strategic perspective on business and management, always from an international viewpoint, and help you develop the skills to contribute to major decisions made by your current or future organisation to help their future.

We welcome students from any academic or working discipline background to apply for this program. Many entrants enter the MBA program with a science or technology background – it is not necessary that you have studied business or management before – the first semester equips you with all the tools you require to specialise further on the MBA in Finance program.

Pursuing this program will:

  • further develop your current skills and experience to a management level
  • extend your interest in financial decision making
  • develop a strategic perspective on business

The MBA is delivered in a block format, with 2 modules being covered every 6 weeks. The classes are inter-disciplinary – you study shared modules in semester 1 with MBA students from different business specialisations. Due to the rolling entry (6 times a year) groups are dynamic, extremely international and diverse.

The modules are delivered intensively over consecutive days in the so-called ‘block format’, which means that each module has 6 days of teaching split into two blocks of 3 days. Teaching methods include group work, case studies, presentations, and live projects. The course is delivered through a variety of approaches including lectures, presentations, tutorials and case studies, with an emphasis on interactive learning. Modules include regular guest speakers from industry.

Areas of study

Management subjects address key issues of strategy, marketing, operations, human resources, accounting and financial planning, studied in parallel with deeper international corporate finance and investment modules. Options include consultancy and multi-unit management. Students acquire research skills, which they can apply to academic or industrial projects.


Semester 1
• Human Resource Management
• Marketing Management
• Management Accounting & Finance
• Business Operations
• International Management
• Information Management

Semester 2
• Corporate Finance
• Financial and Monetary Economics
• Business Statistics
• Venture Capital and Private Equity 
• Strategic Management

Semester 3 is completely allocated to the Final Project, in which students complete a research project, preferably instigated by a company or non-business organisation . The Final Project (at the very least) will combine theory, research and practical application.

Throughout the programme: Research Methods & 3 Project weeks, leading to the Final Project

The most traditional MBA employment field has always been the financial sector. An MBA in Finance is often followed by students from a wide range of backgrounds, and whilst the demand for MBA qualified staff is increasing, the finance sector still accounts for over 20% of all MBA jobs. Whilst many MBA Finance graduates find employment in the corporate financial sector, many small, medium and large companies  are snatching up MBA graduates specialised in finance.

“An international business administration professional will develop into a career person who is able to organise, develop products, services and policies, instigate and execute policies, perform under stress, control processes, analyse organisation traits, utilise human resources and plan their management, motivate staff and personnel, manage financial information, use information effectively, plan and organise campaigns, understand internal and external markets, interact with the surroundings, network, manage chains, communicate effectively, show leadership skills, manage meetings, present ideas, sell ideas and products, speak and write in the English language, participate in company and organisation decision making and understand local and international cultures and the effects these have on the organisation and the individual.”

“Business Administrators can operate in financial or technical environments but also management and leadership settings and a combination of these. They must understand the need for leadership and motivating people. They must understand the impact of change and the need for innovation. The Business Administrator will understand the need for good communication skills and have a good understanding of society, economics and sustainability. Understanding the need for stable and solid management within a company, large or small is important. A business person in modern day Europe needs to be able to communicate with people across the continent and across the world, and requires the ability to understand the effects of national and international governments on the business ventures they are involved in.

Some popular career paths for Finance MBA graduates include:

  • Senior financial analyst;
  • Financial controller or director;
  • Manager of a finance department;
  • Chief financial officer;
  • Commercial or investment banker;
  • Real estate or insurance finance manager;

“An MBA qualified Business Administrator is specifically able to manage a number of complex and integrated business operations within an international or a local setting, at both a tactical and strategic level, using skills and competencies that require a capability of inter-disciplinary thinking. They will show the ability to combine solid research and critical analysis skills to develop an organisation’s corporate strategy within its business and cultural domain.”

MBA Enhancing Your Career!

MBA graduates are often fast-tracked into senior management positions and this MBA programme has been designed for those who wish to pursue senior management positions or as preparation for further study in business, such as at the PhD level.

The MBA will further the careers of

  • Graduates who are working in an organisation, managing people or processes, and are looking to improve their career opportunities within their current employment position.
  • Graduates who have been working in an organisation, managing people or processes, and are looking for a full time MBA program that will increase their employability chances in an international market; 
  • Graduates who have completed a Bachelor degree and have worked in an organisation with responsibility managing people or processes, who are looking to improve their career opportunities, either at their current employer or in the search for a new opportunity;
  • Graduates with a proven number of years managing people or processes within an organisation. These students are looking for an English-taught, internationally orientated MBA program that can allow them to improve their career prospects in the job market either at home or in the Netherlands, either at their current employer or at a new organisation, and possibly to continue their studies at a higher level.

Entrepreneurship & Innovation

This exciting Master of Business Administration program, specialised in Entrepreneurship & Innovation challenges students to study at a high academic standard, combining case studies and research. However, the degree program also has a practical approach in its design – through project weeks, professional enquiry and a module of professional based learning in which students complete a short work placement often linked directly to their final project.

The program offers a combination master of business administration subjects and broader modules in economics and management. Through modules looking at global economics and strategic management, globalisation, society & culture, the program enables students to further develop their deeper knowledge of business management and administration.

Within the course, students gain balanced modules focused on entrepreneurship & innovation which enable a critical look at the role entrepreneurs have within society and the economy.

In a fast changing world, where old ways of doing business and managing organisations have made way for new concepts, entrepreneurship & innovation specialised students will also consider aspects such as ‘Venture Capital & Private Equity’ and ‘Corporate Sustainability’.

The MBA is comprised of three semesters. In each semester students will complete three teaching blocks of six week each. The structure of each teaching block will include 2 weeks of classes, 1 project week (2nd Semester only), followed by 3 more weeks of classes, and a final exam week.

Some modules within the curriculum are shared upon specializations, making the study experience more dynamic and interdisciplinary. The unique block format ensures a swift and rewarding learning experience.

Semester 1 begins with essential courses teaching effective people management strategies, as well as an introduction to the dynamic world of market analysis and strategy. You’ll further delve into insights in financial decision-making processes and optimizing business operations in a global business landscape.


  • Human Resource Management
  • Marketing Management
  • Management Accounting & Finance
  • Operations Management
  • International Management
  • Information Management

Semester 2 shifts focus on innovation, sustainability, and strategic decision-making. The courses will spark the ability to think creatively and drive new business ventures. Considering foundations of corporate sustainability, while also focusing on financial foundations and business analytics skills.


  • Innovation, Creativity & Entrepreneurship
  • International Corporate Sustainability
  • Business Statistics
  • Strategic Management
  • Venture Capital & Private Equity
  • Research Methods (Final Project)
  • Project Module (3 Project Weeks, linked to Final Project)

Semester 3 is completely dedicated to the Final Project, in which students complete a research project, preferably instigated by a company or non-business organisation. The Final Project will combine theory, research, and practical application.

Entrepreneurs and intrapreneurs are successful because they can quickly understand complex situations that require them to plan and make strategic decisions, and work on a multitude of business ideas and projects at the same time. They have a solid understanding of marketing design and implementation. Being able to develop business ideas simultaneously requires an ability to determine and understand important details, pinpoint alternatives and continuously evaluate and review business processes. A characteristic of entrepreneurs is that they have the ability to fully devote and commit themselves to achieving their long term business objectives and goals, and that this energy is also directly translated into the short term objectives.

An entrepreneur can be the driver of new business ventures itself (entrepreneur), or the driver of innovation and change within an existing business (intrapreneur).

An entrepreneur requires the ability to manage through leading and motivating people. This can occur in business startups and project launches, but also in times of change and innovation. The entrepreneur will understand the need for good communication skills and have a good understanding of society, economics and sustainability. The entrepreneur will have the skills of selling ideas and products, winning commitment and presenting and executing business plans. Understanding the need for stable and solid management within a company – large or small – is important. An entrepreneurial business person in modern day Europe needs to be able to communicate with people across the continent and across the world, and requires the ability to understand the effects of national and international governments on the business ventures they are involved in. Entrepreneurs and Intrapreneurs require the ability to look at problems and risks from a holistic view point and find solutions and manage risk through innovation.

They need to have a good understanding of finance and fiscal matters and be able to knowledgeably communicate with people supporting them through accountancy, or human resource or information services, and be able to lead these people.

Graduating from a highly international institute such as New European College, that places high emphasis on a combination of academic research and professional exposure, means that the career prospects of graduates from the Master of Business Management, specialised in Entrepreneurship & Innovation are multiple and global.

Graduates often aspire to continue their studies, at the PhD level and/or move directly into business. This often results from their work placement, and their final project.

The possible professions of a graduate from the Master of Business Managment specialized in Entrepreneurship & Innovation can occur in four inter-related sections with natural overlap:

The (Serial) Entrepreneur

This is seen as someone who is committed to starting businesses and companies from scratch and making them a success.

The Independent Self Employed Business Person

This is seen as a person who directs and manages an SME. This could be the owner of a family driven business, or a business person who buys and takes over an existing business. This can also be an entrepreneur who has started a business through innovation and remains directing and managing that company, without selling or leaving to start a new venture.

The second in command in an SME

This extremely important entrepreneur is the most common non-executive entrepreneur in small business. An entrepreneur, as the number 2 in an SME is a vital position as it enables the company to develop in an innovative and goal orientated manner, with a careful balance of risks and opportunities. This kind of Intrapreneur is someone who has had experience with business or project start-ups and project management, and has now reached the moment where the experience and knowledge gained can be used to support another entrepreneur.

The Corporate ‘Intrapreneur’

This entrepreneurial role is becoming increasingly important within companies and organisations, as well as non-profit and governmental organisations, as they are forced to change, develop and innovate in the modern economy and business environment. Corporations require entrepreneurial business leaders who, alongside their leadership qualities, have a broad range of business skills and competencies and business administration knowledge.


The school year at New European College is divided into two terms – Winter Term and Summer Term, and six main blocks which last six weeks each. Each six-week block consists of two lesson weeks, followed by a project week, then two more lesson weeks, followed with an exam week, to complete the module.


Bachelor degree

English Language Requirements

  • Academic IELTS 6.5 or equivalent. Click here for an overview of the equivalent scores. The TOEFL Code of Wittenborg is 4889.
  • If the student’s Academic IELTS score is not sufficient and they have at least a score of 6.0, they can receive a conditional acceptance to the MBA program and must participate in the one-semester Pre-Master program. Upon successful completion of the Pre-Master program, the student can enter into the MBA program at the next intake. If the student chooses to complete the Academic IELTS during their Pre-Master program and achieves a score of 6.5 or higher, they can enter into their respective program at the next intake. Learn more about the Pre-Master program here.

3 Years Professional Work Experience

  • The applicant must have completed three years of professional work experience, after graduating from a bachelor degree, in order to be eligible for this program
  • ​Applicants are requested to provide 2 reference letters: 2 from their Employer OR 1 Academic and 1 Employer


Ready to apply for entry to New European College? Here are the materials you will need to provide when submitting your online application:

  • Letter of motivation
  • Curriculum Vitae
  • Academic IELTS (Minimum 6.5 or equivalent)
  • Academic Transcripts & Certificates
  • 2 Reference Letters: 2 from their Employer OR 1 Academic and 1 Employer
  • Color Copy of Passport, including Information & Photo Pages
  • Color Passport photograph (not older than 6 months)
  • Diagnostic interview: An interview conducted on campus or via Skype by the NEC admissions team to determine the intention, motivation and aptitude or the applicant

Application Deadlines: International students who do not live in the European Union (EU) must apply 6-8 weeks before the entry date of choice. Students living in the EU must apply 2-4 weeks before the entry date of choice. In case the student does not apply before the deadline, their application will be automatically changed into an application for enrolment to the next block, unless they desire otherwise. In individual cases, an application can be expedited.


Please feel free to contact us via the form below with any questions you have! Our admissions team is very happy to provide you with a free consultation to help you find your perfect program.

Contact Our Admissions Team

We look forward to hearing from you!