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Meet Abhinav, the Newest Member of Our Admissions Team!

Meet Abhinav, the Newest Member of Our Admission Team!

We want to warmly welcome Abhinav Emani to our admissions team! Abhinav will be supporting international students throughout their application process as they enroll and begin their studies here at NEC. Get to know Abhinav better with these 10 interesting facts:

What brought you to New European College? 

I was looking to study business, in hopes of starting my own company someday and also experience the ups and downs of life in Europe, NEC checked all the boxes.

 1. What’s something you want to learn or wish you were better at?

I wish I had it in me to stand in front of a thousand people and give a great speech. One day perhaps.

 2. What’s your favourite place on earth?

Within the four walls of my room, on a rainy day with a cup of hot chocolate.

3. What’s something you’re proud of?

My culinary skills. I have been told I am a pretty good cook, I hope they weren’t lying.

 4. What do you hope never changes?

My love for all things physics. I remember being 9 years old, reading an encyclopedia page about the power of the atom. I was simultaneously amazed and terrified at the immense potential of such a tiny particle. It taught me that everyone possesses potential, much like an atom, we simply need to determine how to unlock it.

5. What job would you be terrible at?

I think I would make a terrible teacher, I struggle with patience sometimes, which I think is essential to be a good teacher. I believe teaching is one of the most important professions out there, it shapes the minds of our future generations, and it’s something I’d rather leave to those who are truly commited to that mission.

6.  What movie title best describes your life?  

The Devil’s Advocate, somehow, I constantly find myself in scenarios where I’m deciding between what’s right and what’s easy. Great movie, watch it if you haven’t.

 7.  What’s the best way to start the day? 

To wake up a couple of hours before everyone else, hit the gym, have a nice warm shower, and a hearty breakfast.

 8. How different was your life one year ago?

I arrived in Germany exactly one year ago. I did not speak the language, knew very little about the culture, and the food was not my liking. Now I’ve fallen in love with it. I enjoy a delicious cut of spiessbraten for lunch everyday, get midly annoyed at people crossing the street when the light’s are red, and loathe noisy neighbours on a Sunday afternoon.

9. What is special about the place you grew up?

I grew up in many places since my family moved around a lot. There is no one place that is special to me. If I really had to choose, I’d probably choose one of the boarding schools I attended. It was a massive 300 acre plot of land, with a couple beautiful hillocks, a massive banyan tree that is over 60 years old and delicious food.

10. Who has impressed you most with what they’ve accomplished?

My mother is one of the most well-educated individuals I know. She somehow managed to accomplish all her degrees whilst working full-time and raising an absolute menace of a child (I was extremely mischievous, as you would not believe). She inspires me to do my best as she still continues to move mountains and give it her all to any task she puts her mind to.

Interested in continuing the conversation with Abhinav? Feel free to reach out and contact him at abhinav.emani@new-european-college.com Abhinav is looking forward to hearing from you and supporting your journey to becoming a student at New European College in Munich, Germany!