Update from the Chancellor: How does fashion play with people’s minds?
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Project Week: Business Case Study – FairFleet and the Drone Industry
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Update from the Chancellor: How does fashion play with people’s minds?
26. February 2024
Project Week: Business Case Study – FairFleet and the Drone Industry
27. March 2024

Update from the Chancellor: We have all been dragged through museums!

  • A Minute of Silence
  • Munich, Silly
  • Being Dragged through Museums
  • A Museum Telling a Story?
  • Date Night at a Museum…
  • Stepping out of the Comfort Zone
  • Museums of the Terror of the Past

In less than 6 months it is the second time I open my newsletter expressing my sincere condolences to the victims and their families of a terrorist attack – this time in Moscow.

These cowardly barbaric attacks on civilians by mad and angry people that are instrumentalized by evil plotters that are sitting in the safety of distant places render me sad and speechless from anger. We must never succumb to their terror as that is their aim – to disturb our lives and install fear in our minds in a world that by itself is complex enough.

I invite you to join me in a minute of silence for the victims and their families.

For us not to be subdued by terrorists, we must continue with our heads up high and together work towards a world that is civilized, sustainable and where terrorist attacks are exhibitions in museums that remind us that we must always fight any form of terrorism.

In Munich, where innovation and history reside together, not regularly visiting one of the 60+ museums is silly. Nonetheless, for many going to the museum is something that is often postponed or only happens when family or friends visit.


I have often asked myself, why many people don’t like to visit museums and according to my small world it is because many of us have been dragged to museums by their teachers or parents. I don’t think there was any ill intention, it was more the embedded hope that the object on display will ignite in the interest in the young and by default ignorant.

This partially negative unintentional priming of our minds is a real pity as museums are treasure troves of creativity, innovation, and history. They challenge our perceptions, encourage critical thinking, and inspire innovation. In a world where business models can become as obsolete as last season’s fashion trends and butchered handbags, these qualities are indispensable.


Moreover, museums are a testament to the power of storytelling. Each exhibit, from the ancient relics of the Ägyptisches Museum to the modern masterpieces at the Pinakothek der Moderne, tells a story.

For those that need a different form of inspiration than history and art, well among the many museums Munich has to offer there are: three BMW related museums (BMW Group Classic, BMW Museum, BMW Welt), a police museum, firefighter museum, an alpine museum, a beer and Oktoberfest museum, a potato museum, a hunting and fishing museum and the world famous technology museum Deutsches Museum.

As businesspeople, understanding the art of storytelling is crucial. It’s the difference between a pitch that falls flat and one that resonates, between a brand that’s easily forgotten and one that becomes iconic.

For those of you who think museum visits are merely educational outings, think again. They are an exercise in self-directed learning – a skill that is paramount in the fast-paced business world. Choosing which exhibits to visit, what questions to ask, and how to interpret what you see is akin to navigating the complexities of the business landscape. It’s about making informed decisions amidst a plethora of choices.

Now, let’s talk about networking. Yes, you heard right. Museums are not just for tourists and art aficionados. They are gathering places for thinkers, creators, and leaders from various fields. A casual chat beside a Kandinsky could lead to an internship, a project collaboration, or even a groundbreaking business idea. The museums of Munich, with their international acclaim, attract a global audience that is as diverse as the exhibits.

On an abstract note, maybe also a great place for a first date or a visit on date night to destress from reality.

So, I urge you, to step out of your comfort zone and into the museums. Let the ancient sculptures of the Glyptothek remind you that innovation has roots. Let the Alte Pinakothek’s canvases teach you that perspective is everything. And let the contemporary art and futuristic designs at the MUCA show you that the future is a canvas awaiting your mark.

In the spirit of self-improvement and lifelong learning, I propose visit one museum per month. Who knows? You might just find the inspiration for your next big business idea hanging on a wall.

For all those that want to understand the dimension of terror we humans are able to inflict on each other I recommend to visit three museums: the Munich Documentation Center for the History fo National Socialism which will give an in-depth understanding of the Nazi dictatorship in Germany, the memorial of the Munich massacre at the Olympic Summer Games 1972 in Munich and Memorial Site of the former concentration camp in Dachau outside of Munich.

All three are reminders of the terror we humans can inflict on each other.

Never forget that. 

Best regards from Munich,
Sascha Liebhardt