Interview with NEC’s First Scholarship Winner, Yuriy Trofymenko
24. March 2020
NO to Racism
3. June 2020
Interview with NEC’s First Scholarship Winner, Yuriy Trofymenko
24. March 2020
NO to Racism
3. June 2020

Update from the Chancellor: Mandatory Community Masks In Bavaria From The 27th Of April

With great prudence I am happy to inform you that, for the time being, the measures taken by the German and Bavarian government to contain COVID 19 have been successful.

The essential numbers for Germany and Bavaria show that although the infection rate is high, we have a low number of deaths.

Also, the R number (basic reproduction number), which defines the expected number of people that are infected by one infected person, is less than 1. This means that each existing infection causes less than one new infection. In the long run, this means that the disease will decline.

As comforting as this might sound, we must remain cautious and vigilant.

Based on successful containment through the social distancing regulations, from today onwards, you are allowed to engage in outdoor activities and outdoor sports with one friend. Any groups of more than two are still strictly forbidden.

For universities, all delivery of lectures must be online, except in laboratories under very strict hygiene regulations. Under the current regulations, on-campus exams are allowed following the minimum distance regulation of 1.5 meters.

For New European College, this means that we must continue with the online delivery of our courses until the Bavarian government allows in-classroom lectures again.

Starting from next week, the Bavarian government is slowly opening stores that are up to 800 sqm and some preparation classes for high school students will take place.

In order to minimize the possible spread of the COVID 19 from the 27th of April onwards, it will be mandatory to wear a community mask when you enter any store or use public transportation (please see my example below).

According to the Bavarian government, a community mask is a textile mask or a scarf that covers mouth and nose.

For the time being, all restaurants, hotels, bars and clubs remain closed, as the necessary hygiene standard cannot be maintained. All public events have been cancelled until the 31st of August.

To give you a good understanding of how serious the government is taking this, in the course of this week, the Bavarian prime minister Dr. Söder and the mayor of Munich Mr. Reiter will discuss the cancellation of the Oktoberfest this September.

For all students who have an upcoming visa appointment or whose visa is ending, please do not worry, the KVR will contact you by letter and will give a new appointment (Please make sure that you have given the KVR your current address and have followed up on your health insurance payments).

I understand that this is not just a stress test for all of us but also a test of character.

For now, it is essential that we all remain patient, watchful and observant of the social distancing regulations that are in place until the 3rd of May.

Should you have further questions or if you are in need of support, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Sending you my best regards,

Sascha Liebhardt
Chancellor | Founder | Managing Director 

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