Update from the Chancellor: Academic Adventures & Expeditions September 2023
13. October 2023
Meet Domenica, the Newest Member of Our Marketing Team!
17. October 2023
Update from the Chancellor: Academic Adventures & Expeditions September 2023
13. October 2023
Meet Domenica, the Newest Member of Our Marketing Team!
17. October 2023

Personal Update from the Chancellor

Dear Friends of New European College,

I grew up in a country that was divided into two separate nations (East and West Germany), because of a war that ended 25 years before I was born. A division that lasted another 20 years.

A division that originated in the sick and disgusting regime of the Nazis that not only started the Second World War with all its atrocities and in total killed more than 50,000,000 humans, but that also killed more than 6,000,000, (yes, that is 6 million) European Jews in the most organized and inhuman way ever seen by mankind.

The Holocaust without doubt is the most evident display of what evil can recite in us humans.

All attacks on Israel last weekend saw the largest casualties to Jewish lives since the end of the Holocaust. An attack that again demonstrates the evil that recites in us humans.

Barbaric is too weak of a word to describe the terrorist attack in Israel.

For all my life, I have had the luck of living peacefully in a multi-ethnic, multi-cultural, and multi-national environment, and repeatedly, some terrorist groups or angry warmongering men have disturbed our world’s progress to living together in a peaceful and civilized way.

I find it terribly embarrassing that in a post-modern world, where we can land rovers on Mars, robots perform surgery, and artificial intelligence is learning to walk, we are still exposed to this primitive evil terror and warmongering.

It is our duty as civilized humans, to condemn terrorist attacks or wars of aggression.

It is our duty as academics to educate students to be able to tell the difference between the truth and propaganda.

It is our duty as humans to protect our planet from destruction be it by war, terrorist attacks or pollution.

For all those that want to know, why I love peace and protecting the environment, here are some links:

  1. Worldwide Deaths in World War II
  2. An Introduction to the Holocaust
  3. The Environmental Impact of War
  4. An Introduction to Pollution

I stand with Israel, Ukraine or any other country that suffers from terrorist attacks and wars of aggression.

Peaceful regards,
Sascha Liebhardt