Celebrating Success: Congratulations to Our IU MBA Graduates!
2. June 2023
Meet Ronja, the Newest Member of Our Admissions Team!
28. July 2023
Celebrating Success: Congratulations to Our IU MBA Graduates!
2. June 2023
Meet Ronja, the Newest Member of Our Admissions Team!
28. July 2023

The Economic Success of Munich – All Thanks to the Opera?

Project Week Block 7, Academic Year 2022 – 2023

The Munich Opera House, where culture, history, and innovation collide! Established in the heart of Bavaria, the Munich Opera House is one of the most prestigious opera houses in the world. It plays as well, an essential role in Germany’s cultural landscape. The opera house is subject to economic pressures, changing societal expectations, and the complexities of maintaining a historic institution in a rapidly evolving digital age. The aim of this Project Week is to assess these challenges, understand the strategies to navigate them and explore potential opportunities for innovation and improvement.

Students have to apply value chain analysis to a real-world context, specifically the Munich Opera House. Students will gain an understanding of how various activities within an organization contribute to the overall value of its product or service.

The scope of the assignment encompasses identifying and analysing the primary and support activities within the Munich Opera House’s value chain and proposing potential improvements or innovations within these activities. The scope also encompasses identifying and analysing the opera house’s activities within its value chain, its contribution to SDG 3, and the proposal of potential improvements or innovations to further enhance its alignment with this goal.

To understand this industry, Witttenborg University of Applied Sciences students at the Munich campus had a company visit to the Munich Opera House. You can see pictures from the visit and the presentations below.