Acing Your Thesis During Corona
14. July 2021
NEC at IAA Mobility 2021 – The World’s Largest Mobility Show
13. September 2021Andreas Gassen,
German National Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians
- NEC welcomes students back on campus
- Bavarian government loosens Corona regulations
- Germany’s strong economic recovery
- Academic Year 2021 focus on ‘Climate Change’
Dear Friends of New European College,
In times, where the mantra is ‘Progress not Perfection’ it is real progress when students return to campus. Although still masked (vaccinated, recovered or tested) and with the necessary safety distance, our students of Wittenborg University of Applied Sciences Munich Campus are back on campus. It is a great step forward that can be primarily attributed to the success of the vaccination campaign of the European Union and the efforts by the governments of the German federal states.
As of the 2nd of September, the Bavarian Government has loosened the Corona regulations.
Based on the 3G rule (Genesen, Getestet, Geimpft – Recovered, Tested, or Vaccinated)* life in Munich is approaching a new normal.
New normal? In Munich, outdoor public events with up to 25 000 participants are permitted, schools and universities are back to campus, curfews for bars and restaurants have been lifted, and finally there is even the distinct possibility that from the 1st of October nightclubs are allowed to open again. 😎
In general, there is still a mandate to wear face masks (FFP2 and surgical masks) indoors – shops, public transport, libraries, etc. – and the safety distance must be maintained.
The Bavarian government has clearly stated that for all those that fall under the 3G rule there will be no more lockdowns.
Based on the new regulations, tracking of the incidence rate in Bavaria will be no more based on the weekly rate of infection per 100,000 but will be based on the amount of Covid patients that have been admitted to the hospitals in the last seven days. With this approach the government will be able to assess when Corona regulations can be fully lifted.
For more information, please follow this link:
Germany’s employment rate is the highest since the outbreak of the virus and the strong signs of recovery of the German economy can be attributed to the vaccination rate of +80% of senior citizens and +60% of the public.
For more information, please follow this link:
- German economy on track for stronger growth in Q3 (Reuters)
- German Unemployment Falls (Bloomberg)
- German service sector grows at record pace (Reuters)
With students returning to campus and the pandemic in its last phase, this academic year will be themed around the biggest challenge that businesses and the world at large faces: Climate Change.
The kick-off for the first Project week 21’ at the Munich campus will be a visit to the IAA Mobility convention taking place this September in the city centre and at the Munich convention. Formerly the world’s no.1 automotive show, the IAA has become the leading event where all stakeholders present their mobility solutions for the future. This year, the discussion at IAA will be around the circular economy, sustainability, and urban mobility. New European College will organize a tour for its students to visit the IAA Mobility at the convention centre and in the city on the 11th of September. This will be a unique opportunity to engage with the topic of sustainability with representatives from the largest car manufacturers and peek at what is coming in 2022.
It fills me with joy, that finally our students and lecturers are back on campus and our first academic excursion in two years will take place.
Looking forward to sharing more positive news with you,
I remain,
Yours sincerely,
Sascha Liebhardt
* People that have recovered from Corona in the last 6 months, people that tested negative for Corona in the last 48 hours, and people that have been fully vaccinated.