Friday the 13th – Fact of Fiction?
13. November 2020
Acing Your Thesis During Corona
14. July 2021
Friday the 13th – Fact of Fiction?
13. November 2020
Acing Your Thesis During Corona
14. July 2021

Update from the Chancellor. “Real Light at the End of the Tunnel”.

Dear Friends of New European College,

“Congratulations” to all of us – we have made it this far. Considering all we have been exposed to, it was not easy.

Thanks to scientific advances and the available vaccines we are slowly but steadily returning to normality.

Germany’s COVID numbers are at an all-time low and although prudence is still the name of the game, we are seeing many of the restrictions of the last 18 months being lifted. A link to the current numbers in Germany can be found here.

For all those interested in the weekly reports in English from the Robert Koch Institute, the German government’s central scientific institution in the field of biomedicine, please click here.

And for those who are curious about the speed of vaccinations in Germany (currently approx. 800,000 per day including weekends, more than 50% have the first jab and 36.5% are fully vaccinated), information can be found through

This brings me to my next point – many students have asked me how to get vaccinated in Bavaria. It is very simple, as of this week, the Bavarian government is lifting the prioritization of the vaccination. That means everyone above the age of 12 can get a vaccination. All you need to do is to either register with your local Impfzentrum (Vaccination Center) or make an appointment with your doctor. More information can be found on the website of the Bavarian Vaccinations Centers.

It is uncomplicated, and you should timely get an appointment. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.

For all those that are still unsure about getting vaccinated, there is an excellent article by the Economist about why we all should get vaccinated.

And for those of you who want more information about the science behind the vaccinations please follow this link.

Here is a good summary for all those that are young and are not sure if they should get vaccinated.

Finally, for all those who want to know more about Long Covid, please follow this link.

Since I am encouraging you to getting vaccinated, before anyone asks, yes, I have been vaccinated. Please see below my vaccination certificate and my very German middle names:

And no – I had no side effects apart from feeling where the jab was made for a day. Nor did my mother at the age of 81.

For now, please let me express my respect and gratitude, to the academic teams of Wittenborg University of Applied Sciences, IU University of Applied Sciences (formerly known as IUBH), and the entire team and faculty of New European College. It was your hard work that made sure that our students could start, continue and finish their studies during these challenging times.

Looking forward to updating you with more positive news in the near future,
I remain,
Yours faithfully,
Sascha Liebhardt

PS – Stay safe and healthy. It is not completely over yet.